9altitudes becomes the biggest manufacturing partner in Europe

With more than 750 customers in the European Manufacturing industry, 9altitudes strongly positions itself as the number one Digital Transformation partner for Manufacturing companies.

In 2019 Waterland initiated an ambitious plan together with Ad Ultima. One of the most renowned Microsoft Dynamics AX partner in Belgium and the Dutch company Pylades, a very strong Microsoft Dynamics CE and F&O partner in The Netherlands.

Filip Bossuyt

Filip Bossuyt

CSO of 9altitudes

By 2021, 6 new companies joined the group after Add-IT Infosystems (a Dutch Microsoft Dynamics BC specialist) already made its way into our family. Optimate in Denmark, Admiral Dynamics with offices in Belgium and Slovenia, Bredena Solutions and Econocap in Denmark and Hillstar in The Netherlands pushed our Dynamics expertise to new heights.

In February 2021 launched its new name “9altitudes”, with the ambition to help customers in specific industries as an end-to-end digital business transformation partner.

By building a unique ‘can do’ eco-system of entrepreneurial companies, sharing the same DNA and cross-pollinating best practices, our joint customer portfolio of +1500 customers in 5 countries is starting to make a serious impression. 85% of those customers are situated in 3 focus markets: Manufacturing, Wholesale & Distribution and Services. Manufacturing represents +50% which makes me confident in the following statement: 9altitudes is the biggest manufacturing partner in end-to-end digital transformation in Europe.

But we don't stop here. In 2022, it's time to switch into second gear.

We’ve made great progress in becoming 9altitudes in 6 different countries in Europe.

I also promised that we would invest in France and behind the scenes a lot happened the last couple of months. With great success. Because I’m very proud to announce a new partnership with Isatech which will be an exciting new step in our 9altitudes adventure rising our group again to a new size adding a good footprint position in France.

A great start of 2022 and I know for a fact... we ain't seen nothing yet.