PTC ThingWorx

Industriel Internet of Thing (IIoT) er ikke længere noget der kun hører fremtiden til. PTC ThingWorx er en platform for hurtig implementering af IoT-funktionalitet. PTC ThingWorx letter arbejdet med opkobling af dine enheder, transmission af data, applikationsudvikling og analyse af de indsamlede data, så du kan koncentrere dig om det væsentlige – de forretningsmæssige muligheder ved IoT – i stedet for at du skal koncentrere dig om at programmere.

PTC ThingWorx

PTC ThingWorx i industrien

Industriel Internet of Things (IIoT) er ikke længere noget der kun hører fremtiden til. For mange produktionsvirksomheder er IIoT en integreret del af smarte fabrikker, der udnytter monitorering, databehandling og -analyse til at forbedre overblikket, afdække flaskehalse, forbedre produktiviteten og undgå produktionsstop.

Få maksimalt udbytte af mulighederne

Øget kundetilfredshed

Ved at forudsige kundernes præferencer og adfærd, bliver det enkelt at skabe kundefokuserede oplevelser, der styrker din brandloyalitet.

Forbedret produktionseffektivitet

Ved at implementere IIoT i produktionen til at forudse kommende vedligeholdelse, så kan du undgå unødig produktionsstop.

Optimeret vedligeholdelse

Ved at indsamle og analysere relevant data, kan du forudsige hvornår og hvordan dine enheder vil blive slidt - uanset om det er i produktet eller i din produktion.

Moderniseret forretningsmodel

Ved at have komplet indsigt i de produkter, som findes i marken, etableres forudsætningerne for overgang til en moderne abonnementsbaseret forretningsmodel som f.eks. ”Køling som en service” væk fra en traditionel salgsbaseret model, hvor virksomheden sælger Aircondition-anlæg.

Up to 30% fewer unscheduled machine downtime*

Manufacturing companies no longer remain in the dark about the productivity of their machines on the factory floor. By connecting machines and business applications to the IIoT solution PTC ThingWorx, you can see in real time what is happening and why.

Monitor the activity of various machines on the plant floor to identify bottlenecks and machine downtime. Get specific insights into the reasons for downtime and prevent your machines from unwanted downtime in the future.

*According to figures of PTC

Machine Downtime

Vestergaard Company

For Vestergaard - og deres kunder - er det altafgørende, at deres maskiner virker. Derfor har Vestergaard implementeret ThingWorx.

Frequently asked questions

ThingWorx is an innovative platform that enables you to build a smart factory easily and quickly by leveraging accurate data management, which is essential for success.

Yes, ThingWorx is available on a robust industrial innovation platform that leverages market-leading cloud infrastructure.

Built on PTC's extensive domain expertise in manufacturing, the solution offers the functionality, flexibility, and agility required to create purpose-built IIoT applications faster and with greater ease.

ThingWorx enables manufacturers to develop scalable and secure solutions that provide valuable information, actionable insights, and a high return on investment.

ThingWorx helps global organizations harness the value of the convergence between the physical and digital worlds, enabling innovative solutions and opportunities.

9altitudes as your IIoT-partner

9altitudes is an international digital partner that automates, optimizes and continuously improves business processes end-to-end. We help manufacturing, supply and service companies reach new heights using Microsoft, PTC and Tulip software in combination with our own industry-specific solutions.

With employees from 9 different countries, our team consists of 750 exceptionally talented experts. Our digital advisors are tireless in their pursuit of innovation, dedicated to creating exceptional customer experiences and delivering impactful solutions for your better tomorrow.

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